305th Sierra Negra
Lomas de Chapultepec II Sección
Postal Code 11000
México City

E -mail: informes@zambranoabogados.com Phone: 01(55) 5280-7055
Fax: 01(55) 52822-0878

Privacy Policy

Zambrano Abogados, SC is committed to respecting your privacy. We have structured our website so that, in general, you can visit without identifying yourself or revealing any personal information. Once you choose to provide personally identifiable information (any information that could be identified), you can be sure it will only be used to support your customer relationship Zambrano of Lawyers, SC.

This statement regarding the privacy of personally identifiable information you provide online covers five main areas: Awareness, Choice, Accuracy & Access, Security, and future developments.

Awareness. Zambrano Abogados, SC provides this Online Privacy Policy so that you are aware of our privacy policy and practices and the choices you may have about how your information is collected and used. To make this notice easy to find, we make it available on our website and from the bottom of every page on our website.

What we get. By logging onto our Web server, it automatically recognizes your domain name, but not your e-mail address (where possible). We collect the domain name from which you log on, aggregate information on or access the pages you visit, user-specific information about the pages you access or visit and information volunteered by you (such as information from surveys and / or site registrations).

Collect cookies to store your preferences and record session information.

In order to tailor our subsequent communications to you and continuously improve our products and services, we may also ask you to voluntarily provide us with information regarding your personal or professional interests, demographics, experience with our services and contact preferences.

How we use it. Zambrano Abogados, SC uses your information to better understand your needs and provide a better service. Specifically, we use your information to help you complete a transaction for you comunicarnoscon for updated information on our services and to personalize our Web sites for you.

Occasionally, we may also use your information to contact you for market research or to provide you with marketing information we think would be of particular interest. At a minimum, always give you the opportunity to opt out of receiving such direct marketing or market research contact. We will also follow local requirements, such as allowing you to choose contacted before receiving unsolicited, in his case. Data collected online may also be combined with information you provide when you register on our website Zambrano Abogados, SC

What we share. Zambrano Abogados, SC does not sell, rent or lease the personal identification information of its customers to third parties unless we have your permission or are required by law. Only share personal data you provide online with other entities of our company and / or business partners acting on our behalf for the uses described above.

Election. Zambrano Abogados, SC does not use or share personally identifiable information you have provided to us online in ways unrelated to the ones described above without letting you know and can say in the matter. As indicated above, we will also give an opportunity for us to know if you do not wish to receive direct marketing materials not requested by us and we will do so.

Permission always ensured, first, that we must never share your information with third parties who are not acting on our behalf and governed by our privacy policy.

Accuracy and accessibility. Zambrano Abogados, SC is trying to keep your Personally Identifiable Information secure and accurate. Does not allow access to their information online. To update or correct your information with Zambrano Abogados, SC, will require that you contact Zambrano Abogados, SC directly via the methods listed below. To protect your privacy and security, contact us we will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or enabling you to make corrections.

Security. Zambrano Abogados, SC is committed to ensuring the security of your information. To prevent access to it or maintaining the reliability of data and control the use of information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic and managerial appropriate to protect and safeguard the information we collect online.

Future developments. Occasionally, we may use customer information for some or Zambrano Abogados, SC for new uses, not anticipated, not previously provided in our note on privacy. If our privacy practices change in the near future, we will publish them on our Web site to notify these changes and give you the opportunity to choose these new uses. If you are concerned may be used as your information, please consult our Web site periodically. We only use data collected after that our policy has changed for the new objectives.

If you have questions or comments about our privacy policy, contact -------@------

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